Can be purchased on Etsy (printable and no ads)
Common Abbreviations Used:
- sl st = slip stitch
- st = stitch
- ch = chain
- sc = single crochet
- hdc = half double crochet
- dc = double crochet
- fpdc = front post double crochet
- bpdc = back post double crochet
- Notes:
When 3 sizes are given. Small is outside of the brackets and Medium and large are inside the brackets, respectively,
Special Stitches:
Front Post Stitch: Yo (yarn over) your hook; starting from the front, place hook from front to back to front (as per arrow in example) around the post of st (stitch) in row below; complete as a dc.
Back Post Stitch: yo, starting from the back, place hook from back to front to back (as per arrow in example) around post of st in row below; complete as a dc.
1. Blue Boot Cuffs
Boot cuff Size
Med: 13 – 14 inches around
4 sts = 1”, 4 rows sc = 1”.
Materials Needed:
Cuffs: 2 ounces worsted weight yarn – Medium #4 Blue yarn and size H crochet hook.
Ribbing – Worked in Rows. With H hook and Blue colored yarn, ch 9.
Row 1: Sc in 2nd ch from hook and each ch across. (8 sc made.) Ch 1, turn.
Row 2: Sc in back loop only of first sc and in each sc across.
Rows 3-40: Repeat Row 2.
Row 41 (Closing Row.) Ch 1, sl st the narrow ends of row 1 and last row together to close seam. Work in the back loop of the last row and free loops on beginning ch. Ch 1, and turn work to work across rows.
Leg – Worked in Rounds
Rnd 1: Ch 3, make 35 dc around. Join to the top of the first ch-3 with sl st. (36 dc made, counting first ch-3 as a dc.)
Rnd 2: Ch 3, make 4 dc in the same space. Ch 2, skip 3 dc, sc in the next dc. Ch 5, skip 3 dc, sc in the next dc. **Ch 2, skip 3 dc, make 5 dc in the next dc. Ch 2, skip 3 dc, sc in the next dc. Ch 5, skip 3 dc, sc in the next sc.* Repeat from ** to * around. End with ch 2, sl st in the top of beginning ch-3.
Rnd 3: Ch 4 (counts as first dc and ch-1) dc in the next dc. (Ch 1, dc in the next dc) 3 times. Ch 2, skip first loop, sc in ch-5 loop. **Ch 2, dc in the next dc. (Ch 1, dc in the next dc) 4 times. Ch 2, sc in the next ch-5 loop.* Repeat from ** to * around. End with ch 2, join to 3rd ch of beginning ch-4 with a sl st.
Rnd 4: Ch 5, dc in the next dc . (Ch 2, dc in the next dc) 3 times. **Skip sc, dc in the next dc, (Ch 2, dc in the next dc) 4 times. * End with sl st in 3rd ch of beginning ch-5.
Rnd 5: Ch 3, (make 2 dc in the next ch-2 space. Dc in the next dc.) 4 times. **Dc in the next dc. (Make 2 dc in the next ch-2 space. Dc in the next dc.) 4 times.* Repeat from ** to * around. End with sl st in the top of beginning ch-3 with sl st.
Row 6: Ch 1, sc in same st. ** Make a ch-3 picot, skip 1 dc, sc in the next dc. * Repeat from ** to * around. Join the first sc with sl st. End off and weave in the end.
2. Purple Cuffs
Materials Needed: 2.5 ounces worsted weight yarn and a size H hook.
Med: 13 – 14 inches around
With H hook and worsted weight yarn ch 42. Join with a sl st to form a ring.
Rnd 1: Ch 3, make a dc in each ch around. Join to the top of the first ch-3 with a sl st. (42 dc counting beginning ch-3 as a dc.)
Rnds 2 -3: Ch 3, **Fpdc around next dc, bpdc around next dc.* Repeat from ** to * around. Join the beginning ch-3 with sl st.
Rnd 4: Ch 1, sc in same space.** Ch 2, skip 3 sts, make 5 dc in the next st. Ch 2, skip 3 sts, sc in the next st. * Repeat from ** to * around. End with a ch 2 and sl st into the first sc.
Rnd 5: Sl st to the first dc. Ch 1, sc in the same dc. **Ch 3, sc in the next dc. Ch 3, skip 1 dc, sc in the next dc. Ch 3, sc in next dc. Ch 5, sc in the next dc. * Repeat from ** to * around. End with ch 5, sl st into beginning sc.
Rnd 6: Sl st to middle ch-3 space. Ch 1, sc in the same space. ** Ch 2, make 5 dc in the next ch-5 space. Ch 2, skip first ch-3 space, sc in the next ch-3 space * Repeat from ** to * around. End with ch-2 sl st in first sc.
Rnd 7: Sl st to the first dc. Ch 1 sc in dc. ** Ch 3, sc in the next dc. Ch 3, skip 1 dc, sc in the next dc. Ch 3, sc in the next dc. Ch 5, sc in the next dc. * Repeat from ** to * around.
Repeat rows 6 and 7 twice more.
Rnd 8: Sl st into the first ch-3 space. Ch 3, dc in the same space. (Make 2 dc in the next ch-3 space) twice. ** Make 3 dc in the next ch-5 space. (Make 2 dc in the next ch-3 space) 3 times.* Repeat from ** to * around. Join to the first dc with sl st. (45 dc made)
Rnd 9: Ch 1, sc in joining. ** Ch 3, make 2 dc in the same space, skip 3 dc, sc in the next dc. * Repeat from ** to * around. NOTE you may have to squeeze in the last two shells.
3.Lavender Cuffs – 3 sizes
Materials Needed: 3 ounces Worsted weight yarn. Size H hook.
Small size=11”- outside of brackets. Medium= 12 ½” and Large=14” sizes inside brackets, respectively.
Ch 44 [47, 50] join to the first ch to form a circle.Rnd 1: Ch 3, dc in each ch around. Join to 3rd ch of beginning ch-3.
Rnd 2: Ch 4, dc in same st as joining. **Skip 2 dc, in the next dc make (dc, ch 1 and dc) * Repeat from ** to * around. Join the 3rd st of beginning ch-4.
Rnd 3: Sl st into the first ch-1 space. Ch 1 sc in the same space. **Ch-3, sc in the next ch-1 space.* Repeat from ** to * around. End with, ch 3 sl st in first sc.
Rnd 4: Ch 4, dc in same sc. **in the next sc make (dc, ch 1, dc) * Repeat from ** to * around. Join the 3rd st of beginning ch-4.
Repeat rounds 3 and 4 four more times or until desired length is reached. End with Rnd 4.
Edging – Rnd 5: Sl st to center of first v-st. Ch 1, sc in the same space. Make a 3-ch picot and sc in the same space. Sc between next two v-sts. ** In the center of the next v-st make (sc, picot and sc) sc between the next two v-sts. * Repeat from ** to * around. Join to the first sc with sl st. End off and weave in the end.
4. Pink Boot Cuffs
Materials Needed: 1 ½ ounces worsted weight yarn, size H crochet hook.
With Pink worsted weight yarn and size H hook, ch 43 loosely. Join the first ch to form a circle. Med: 13 – 14 inches around
Rnd 1: Ch 4, counts as first dc and ch-1. Skip 1 ch, dc in the next ch. Ch 1, ** skip 1 ch, dc in the next ch. Ch 1, * repeat from ** to * around. End with a sl st in 3rd ch of beginning ch-4.
Rnd 2: Ch 1, sc in the same space. Ch 3, sl st inside of sc for a picot. Ch 5, ** skip 1 dc, sc in the next dc. Ch 3, sl st in the side of sc for a picot. Ch 5, * around. Do not end with a ch-5 but end with, ch 2, dc in beginning sc. This puts yarn in position for the next round.
Rnds 3-5: Ch 1, sc in middle of loop. ** Ch 3, sl st in the side of sc for a picot. Ch 5, sc in the next loop.* Repeat from ** to * around. Do not end with a ch-5 but end with, ch 2, dc in beginning sc. This puts yarn in position for the next round.
Rnd 6: Ch 1, sc in the same space. **Ch 5, sc in the next loop.* Repeat from ** to * around. Join the first sc with sl st.
Rnd 7: Sl st into next ch-5 space. Ch 4, dc in the same space. **Ch 1, in the next ch-5 space make (dc, ch 1 , dc) * Repeat from ** to * around. Ch 1 and join to the 3rd ch of the first ch-4.
Rnd 8: Sl st to next dc skipping first dc. Ch 3, dc in the top of the first dc you missed. First Cross st made.** Ch 2, skip 1 dc, dc in the next dc. Dc in skipped dc for a cross st.* Repeat from ** to * around. End with ch 2, join to the top of the first dc with a sl st.
Rnd 9: Sl st into the middle of the first cross st. Ch 4, dc in the same space. ** Ch 1, in the center of the next cross st, make (dc, ch 1 dc.)* Repeat from ** to * around. End with ch 1, join to 3rd ch of first ch-4 with a sl st.
Rnd 10: Sl st into center of first dc. Ch 2. In the same space make (2 dc and hdc.) Sc between V-sts. **In the center of the next v-st make (hdc, 2 dc, hdc.) Sc between v-sts. * Repeat from ** to * around. Join to the top of beginning ch-2 with sl st.
5. Mint Green Cuffs – 3 sizes
Materials Needed: 1.75 ounces Worsted weight yarn. Size H hook.
Small size=11”- outside of brackets. Medium= 12 ½” and Large=14” sizes inside brackets, respectively. Ch 40 [44, 48] join to the first ch to form a circle.
Rnd 1: Ch 3, make a dc in each ch around. Join to the top of the first ch-3 with sl st.
Rnd 2: Ch 3, **fpdc around the first dc. Bpdc around next dc.* Repeat from ** to * around. End with Fpdc around last dc. Join to the top of the first ch-3 with sl st.
Rnd 3: Ch 3, in the same st make (dc, ch 1, 2 dc.) Skip 3 sts, **in the next st make (2 dc, ch 1, 2 dc.) Skip 3 ch. * Repeat from ** to * around. Join to the top of the first ch-3 with sl st. 10 [11, 12 shells made.]
Rnd 4: Sl st to the first ch-1 space. Ch 3, in the same space make (dc, ch 1, 2 dc.) **in the next ch-1 space make (2 dc, ch 1, 2 dc.) * Repeat from ** to * around. Join to the top of first ch-3 with a sl st.
Rnds 5-8: Repeat Rnd 4.
Rnd 9: Sl st to the first ch-1 space. **Ch 3, make 2 dc in the same space. Sl st between cluster groups. Ch 3, make 2 dc in the same space. Sl st in the next ch-1 space.* Repeat from ** to * around. End with a sl st in beginning sl st. End off and weave
6. Yellow Boot Cuffs
With yellow and size H hook, ch 48. Join to the first ch with sl st to form a circle.
Rnd 1: Ch 6, picot in 3rd ch from hook. Skip 1 ch, dc in the next ch. **Ch 3, skip 3 ch, dc in the next ch. Make a 3- ch picot, skip 1 ch, dc in the next ch. * Repeat from ** to * around. End with ch 3 join to 3rd ch of beginning ch-6.
Rnd 2: Ch 1, turn and sl st into the first ch-3 loop, **Ch 7, sc in the next loop* around until the last loop, for the last loop, ch 3, trc in first sc, this puts yarn in position for the next round.
Rnd 3: Ch 1, sc in last loop formed. **Make 5 dc in the next sc. Sc in the next ch-7 loop. Ch 7, sc in the next loop. Repeat from ** to * around. End last ch-7 with sl st into the first sc.
Rnd 4: Sl st into 3rd dc of 5-dc group. Ch 1, sc in the same space. **Ch 4, sc in the next loop. Ch 4 sc in 3rd dc of the next 5-dc group.* Repeat from ** to * around. End with ch 4, sl st in first sc made.
Rnd 5: Ch 6, sl st in 3rd ch from hook for picot. **Make 3 dc in ch-4 loop. Dc in the next sc. Make a ch-3 picot.* Repeat from ** to * around. Join the 3rd ch of beginning ch-6 with sl st.
Rnd 6: Ch 1, turn. Sl st into 2nd dc of 3-dc group. Ch 1, sc in the same dc. **Ch 7, sc in the center dc of the next 3-dc group.* Repeat from ** to * around. End with ch 3, trc in beginning sc.
Rnd 7: Ch 1, turn, sc in loop. **Ch 7, sc in the next loop.)* Repeat from ** to * around. End with ch 3, trc in beginning sc.
Rnd 8: Ch 1, sc in loop. **Make 5 dc in the next sc. Sc in the next loop. Ch 7 sc in the next loop.* Repeat from ** to * around. End with ch 7, sl st in first sc.
Rnd 9: Sl st into 3rd dc of 5-dc group. Ch 1, sc in the same space. **Ch 4, sc in the next loop. Ch 4 sc in 3rd dc of the next 5-dc group.* Repeat from ** to * around. End with ch 4, sl st in first sc made.
Rnd 10 : Ch 6, sl st in 3rd ch from hook for picot. **Make 3 dc in ch-4 loop. Dc in the next sc. Make a ch-3 picot.* Repeat from ** to * around. Join the 3rd ch of beginning ch-6 with sl st. End off and weave in the end.
7. Light Blue Boot Cuffs – 3 sizes
Materials Needed: Size H crochet hook. 2.5 ounces blue sports weight yarn (#3) Ribbing – Worked in Rows. With H hook and blue colored yarn, ch 7.
Row 1: Sc in 2nd ch from hook and each ch across. (6 sc made.) Ch 1, turn.
Row 2: Sc in back loop only of first sc and in each sc across.
Rows 3-39[3-47, 3-55]: Repeat Row 2.
Closing – Row 40, [48, 56] (Closing Row.) Ch 1, sl st the narrow ends of row 1 and last row together to close seam. Work in the back loop of the last row and free loops on beginning ch. Ch 1, and turn work to work across rows. Ch 1, turn work to begin working cuff in rounds.
Rnd 1: Working around rows 1-40 [1-48, 1-56] make 40 [48, 56] sc across. Join to the first sc with sl st.
Rnd 2: Ch 3, counts as first dc now and throughout. Make dc in the next sc. Ch 2, skip 2 sc , **make 2 dc in the next st. Ch 2, skip 2 sc, * repeat from ** to * around. Join to the top of beginning ch-3 with sl st.
Rnd 3: Ch 1, turn. Sl st into the first ch-2 space. Ch 3, make dc in the same space. Ch 2, skip 2 sc , **make 2 dc in the next st. Ch 2, skip 2 sc, * repeat from ** to * around. Join to the top of beginning ch-3 with sl st.
Rnd 3: Ch 1, **make 2 sc in ch-2 space. Sc in each of the next 2 dc.* Repeat from ** to * around. Join the first sc with sl st. 40[48, 56 sc made.]
Rnd 4: Ch 3, make 2 more dc in the same st. Ch 3, skip 3 sc. Sc in the next ch. Ch 3, skip 3 sc, ** make 3 dc in the next st. Ch 3, skip 3 sc. Sc in the next ch. Ch 3, skip 3 sc.* End last ch 3 with sl st in 3rd ch of beginning ch 3.
Rnd 5: Sl st to center dc of 3-dc group. Ch 1, sc in the same space. Ch 3, make a dc decrease over next two loops by (Y0, insert hook in first loop, pull up a loop – 3 loops on hook. Yo and draw through 2 loops -2
loops on hook. Yo and insert hook in the next loop. Pull up a loop – 4 loops on hook. Yo and pull through 2 loops on hook – 3 loops left. Yo and pull through all three loops on the hook.) Ch 3, **Sc in the center dc of the 3-dc group. Ch 3, make a dc decrease in the next 2 loops. Ch 3* repeat from ** to * around. End last ch-3 with a sl st into beginning sc.
Rnd 6: Ch 3, make 2 more dc in the same sc. Ch 3, sc in the next dc decrease. Ch 3, **make 3 dc in the next sc. Ch 3, sc in dc decrease. Ch 3 * repeat from ** to * around, end with sl st in 3rd ch of beginning ch 3.
Rnds 7-8: Repeat Rnds 5 and 6.
Rnd 9: Ch 1, **Sc in each of the next 3 dc. Make 2 sc in the ch-3 loop. Sc in sc. Make 2 sc in the ch-3 loop.* Repeat from ** to * around. Join to the top of the first sc with sl st. 40 [48, 56 sc made.]
Edging-Rnd 10: Ch 1, sc in the same place. Make 3 dc in the next st. Sc in the next st. Sl st in the next st. ** Sc in the next st. Make 3 dc in the next st. Sc in the next st. Sl st in the next st. * Repeat from ** to * around. Join to the first sc with sl st. End off and weave in the end.
8. Peach Boot Cuffs – 3 sizes
Materials Needed: Size H hook, 2 ounces of worsted weight yarn size #4.
With Peach and H hook ch 40 [50, 60.] Join to the first ch with a sl st to form a circle.
Rnd 1: Ch 3, counts as first dc now and throughout. Make a dc in each ch around. 40 [50, 60 dcs made.]
Rnd 2: Ch 3, dc in each of the next 4 dc. Skip 2 chs in the next ch make (dc, ch 1, dc for a v-st). Skip 2 dc, ** dc in each of the next 5 dc. Skip 2 chs in the next ch make (dc, ch 1, dc for a v-st). Skip 2 dc * repeat from ** to * across. End with sl st in 3rd ch of beginning ch-3.
Rnd 3: Ch 3, dc in each of the next 4 dc. Ch 2, sc in center of v-st. Ch 2, ** skip v-st dc, dc in each of the next 5 dc. Ch 2, sc in center of next v-st. Ch 2,* repeat from ** to * around. Join with a sl st in 3rd ch of beginning ch-3.
Rnd 4: Sl st to 3rd dc in 5-dc group. Ch 4, dc in same st.** Skip the next 2 sts, make 2 dc in ch-2 space. Dc in next st. Make 2 dc in ch-2 space. Skip the next 2 sts, make v-st in the next st.* Repeat from ** to * around. End with, skip next 2 sts, make 2 dc in ch-2 space. Dc in the next st. Make 2 dc in ch-2 space. Join the 3rd st of beginning ch-4 with a sl st.
Rnd 5: Sl st to center of v-st. Ch 1, sc in the same space. ** Ch 2, skip the next dc of v-st. Dc in each of the next 5 sts. Ch 2 sc in the space of v-st.* Repeat from ** to * around. Join to the first sc with a sl st.
Rnd 6: Ch 3, make 2 dc in ch-2 space. **Skip next 2 sts, v-st in the next st. Skip the next 2 sts, make 2 dc in the next ch-2 space. Dc in the next st. Make 2 dc in the next ch-2 space.* End with 2 dc in the last ch-2 space. join the top of the first ch-3 with sl st.
Rnd 7: Ch 3, dc in each of the next 2 dc. Ch 2, sc in center of v-st. Ch 2, **skip v-st dc, dc in each of the next 5 dc. Ch 2, sc in center of next v-st. Ch 2,* repeat from ** to * around. End with dc in each of the last 2 dc. Join with a sl st in 3rd ch of beginning ch-3.
Rnd 8: Ch 4, dc in same st.** Skip the next 2 sts, make 2 dc in ch-2 space. Dc in the next st. Make 2 dc in ch-2 space. Skip the next 2 sts, make v-st in the next st.* Repeat from ** to * around. End with, skip next 2 sts, make 2 dc in ch-2 space. Dc in the next st. Make 2 dc in ch-2 space. Join the 3rd st of beginning ch-4 with a sl st.
Rnd 9: Sl st to center of v-st. Ch 1, sc in the same space. ** Ch 2, skip the next dc of v-st. Dc in each of the next 5 sts. Ch 2 sc in the space of v-st.* Repeat from ** to * around. End with ch 2, join to the first sc with a sl st.
Rnd 10: Ch 3, make 2 dc in ch-2 space. **Skip next 2 sts, v-st in the next st. Skip the next 2 sts, make 2 dc in the next ch-2 space. Dc in the next st. Make 2 dc in the next ch-2 space.* End with 2 dc in the last ch-2 space. Join to the top of the first ch-3 with sl st.
Edging: Ch 1 sc in the same st as joining. **Skip 1 st, in the next st make (dc, ch-3 picot, dc.) Skip 1 st. Sc in the next st. * Repeat from ** to * around. Join to the first sc with sl st. End off and weave in the end.
9. Multicolor Boot Cuffs – 3 sizes
Materials Needed: Size H crochet hook. 2 ounces Multicolor yarn – worsted weight size #4
Rnd 1: With multicolor and H hook ch 42, [48, 54.] Join to the first ch with sl st to form a circle. Ch 3, dc in each ch around. 42, [48, 54 dc made counting first ch-3 as dc.]
Rnd 2: Ch 3, make 2 more dc in joining. Skip 2 dc, **make 3 dc in the next dc. Skip 2 dc,* repeat from ** to * across. End with sl st in the top of first ch-3.
Rnd 3: Sl st to center dc of 3-dc group. Ch 4, counts as first dc and ch 1. Dc in the same space. Beginning v-st made. Skip 2 dc and **make a v-st in the center dc of the 3-dc group. Skip 2 dc, * repeat from ** to * around. Join the 3rd ch of beginning ch-4.
Rnd 4: Sl st into middle of beginning v-st. Ch 3, make 2 dc in the same space. **Make 3 dc in the center of the next v-st.* Repeat from ** to * around. Join to the top of first ch-3 with a sl st.
Repeat Rnds 3 and 4 three more times.
Edging: Ch 1, sc in same space. ** Make 3 dc in the next st, skip 1 st, sc in the next st.* Repeat from ** to * around. Do not make the last sc, but join the first sc with sl st. End off and weave in the end.
10. Light Green Boot Cuffs – 3 sizes
Materials Needed: 2.5 ounces worsted weight yarn. Size H crochet hook.
Rnd 1: With yarn and H hook ch 40, [48, 56.] Join to the first ch with sl st to form a circle. Ch 3, dc in each ch around.
Rnd 2: Ch 1, sc in joining.** Ch 1, skip 3 sts, in the next st make (3 dc, ch 3, 3 dc) ch 1, skip 3 sts sc in next st.* Repeat from ** to * around. Instead of the last sc make sl st into the first sc to end the round.
Rnd 3: Ch 4, dc in same st to make a starting v-st. **Ch 2, in the ch-3 space of shell make (sc, ch 3 sc.) ch 2, v-st in the next sc.* Repeat from ** to * around. End with ch 2, sl st in 3rd st of beginning ch-4.
Rnd 4: Sl st into the space of v-st. Ch 3, make (2 dc, ch 3, 3 dc) in the same space. **Ch 1, sc in the next ch-3 space. Ch 1, in space of next v-st make (3 dc, ch 3, 3 dc.)* Repeat from ** to * around. End with ch 1, sc in the next ch-3 space. Ch 1, sl st in 3rd st of first ch-3.
Rnd 5: Sl st to and into the first ch-3 space. Ch 1,** in ch-3 space make (sc, ch 3, sc.) Ch 2, v-st in next sc.* Repeat from ** to * around. End with ch 2 and sl st in first sc made.
Rnd 6: Sl st in the next ch-3 space. In ch-3 space ch 1 and sc. **Ch 1, in the next v-st make (3 dc, ch 3, 3 dc.) Ch 1, sc in the next ch-3 space. * Repeat from ** to * around. End with a ch 1, sl st in first sc made.
Repeat rows 3–6 twice more. End off and weave in the end.