Black Ruffle Boot Cuffs

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Boot cuff Size  

  • Small: 12” around  
  • Med: 13” around  
  • Large: 14” around  


4 sts = 1”, 4 rows sc = 1”.  

Size Small outside of brackets. Sizes Medium and Large, inside of brackets  respectively.  

Materials Needed:  

Cuffs: 5 ounces Caron Simply Soft Medium #4 (Black shown.)  

Common Abbreviations Used:  

  • sl st = slip stitch  
  • st = stitch  
  • ch = chain  
  • sc = single crochet  
  • hdc = half double crochet  
  • dc = double crochet  
  • trc = treble crochet  
  • dec = decrease  

Boot Cuff – Make 2  

Top Ribbing – Worked in Rows. With H hook and rust colored yarn, ch 9. 

Row 1: Sc in 2nd ch from hook and each ch across. (8 sc made.) Ch 1, turn.  Row 2: Sc in back loop only of first sc and in each sc across.  

Rows 3-42 [3-46, 3-50]: Repeat Row 2.  

Row 43, [47, 51] (Closing Row.) Ch 1, sl st the narrow ends of row 1 and last row  together to close seam. Work in the back loop of the last row and free loops on beginning  ch. Ch 1, and turn work to work across rows.  

Leg – Worked in Rounds  

Rnd 1: Working across top of Rnds 3-42 [3-46, 3-50] make 41 [47, 53] sc across  rows Rows 3-42 [3-46, 3-50]. Join the first sc with sl st. (41 [47, 53] sc made.) 

Rnd 2: Ch 4 (counts as first dc and ch 1 – now and throughout.) Skip 1 sc, dc in  next sc. Skip 1 sc, make 3 dc in the next sc. **Skip 1 sc, dc in next sc. Ch 1, skip next  sc, dc in next sc. Skip 1 sc, make 3 dc in the next sc. * Repeat from ** to * around.  End with sl st into 3rd ch of starting ch-4. 7 [8, 9] shells made and 7 [8, 9] ch-1  spaces made. 

Rnd 3: Ch 4, dc in next dc. Skip1 dc, make 3 dc in the center dc of the 3-dc group on the previous round. ** Skip 1 dc, dc in next dc. Ch 1, dc in next dc. Skip 1 dc, make 3  dc in the center dc of the 3-dc group on the previous round. * Repeat from ** to * around.  End with sl st into 3rd ch of starting ch-4.  

Rnds 4-8: Repeat Rnd 3.  

Begin Top Ruffle  

 1st Base Rnd 1: Ch 4, Skip ch, dc in next dc. **Ch 4, skip next 3 dc, dc in next  dc. Ch 1, skip next ch, dc in next dc. * Repeat from ** to * around, ending with,  Ch 4, skip next 3 dc, sl st into the 3rd ch of beginning ch-4. [7 (8, 9) ch-4 spaces made  and 3 ch-1 spaces made.)  

1st Ruffle Rnd 2: Sl st in to middle of first ch-1 space. Ch 1, sc in the same space.  Make 9 dc in the next ch-4 loop. * Sc in next ch-1 loop, make 9 dc in next ch-4 loop.  Repeat from around. End with sl st in first sc to end rnd. Ch 1, turn.  

1st Ruffle Rnd 4: Sl st into first dc. Ch 4, (counts as first dc and ch-1.) Dc in next  dc. (Ch 1, dc in next dc) 7 times. *Dc in next dc. (ch 1, dc in next dc) 8 times.  Repeat from * around. Join the top of the first dc with sl st.  

1st Ruffle Rnd 5: Sl st into first ch-1 space. Ch 1, make sc in the same space. (Ch 3, sc  in next ch-1 space) 7 times. **Sl st between next 2 dc. (In the next ch-1 space make  sc, ch 3) 7 times. Sc in next ch-1 space. * Repeat from ** to * around. End with sl  st between the last 2-dc. Join the first sc with sl st. End off and weave in the end. 

2nd Base Rnd 1: Fold lace over at rnd 1. Attach yarn in any middle dc on any 3-dc  group on rnd 1. Ch 3 (counts as first dc. Make 2 more dc in the same sp. ** In the next  ch-1 space make (Dc, ch 1, dc.) Make 3dc in the center of the next 3-dc group.* Repeat  from ** to * across. End with In last ch-1 space make (Dc, ch 1, dc.) Join to top of  beginning ch-3 with a sl st.  

2nd Base Rnd 2: Continue with lace folded over. Ch 1 – Turn. Ch 1, st st into first  ch-1 space. Ch 1, make (sc, ch 1, sc in the same space.) **Ch 4, in next ch-1 space  make (sc, ch 1, sc.) End with ch 4, sl st into first sc made on round.  

2nd Ruffle Rnd 3: Sl st in to middle of first ch-1 space. Ch 1, sc in the same space.  Make 9 dc in the next ch-4 loop. * Sc in next ch-1 loop, make 9 dc in next ch-4 loop.  Repeat from around. End with sl st in first sc to end rnd.  

2nd Ruffle Rnd 4: Sl st into first dc. Ch 4, (counts as first dc and ch-1.) Dc in next  dc. (Ch 1, dc in next dc) 7 times. *Dc in next dc. (ch 1, dc in next dc) 8 times.  Repeat from * around. Join the top of the first dc with sl st.  

2nd Ruffle Rnd 5: Sl st into first ch-1 space. Ch 1, make sc in the same space. (Ch 3,  sc in next ch-1 space) 7 times. **Sl st between next 2 dc. (In next ch-1 space make 

sc, ch 3) 7 times. Sc in next ch-1 space. * Repeat from ** to * around. End with sl  st between the last 2-dc. Join the first sc with sl st. End off and weave in the end.  

Top Trim: Fold lace over at 2nd Base Rnd 2. Join black with a sl st in any center dc of 3-dc group. Ch 2, make 2 hdc in the same st. Sl st in the st between the next 2 shells. **  Make 5 hdc in the center dc of the next 3-dc group. Sl st in the st between the next 2 shells.*  Repeat from ** to * around. End with 3 hdc in the same st as the beginning 3-hdc. Join  the first hdc with sl st. End off and weave in the end.  

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