Can be purchased at
Materials list
- 4 oz of Aqua worsted weight yarn
- ½ oz of White worsted weight yarn
- Various Small Amounts of Number # cotton crochet thread
- Size H crochet hook for the worsted weight yarns and a size D hook for the cotton thread Darning Needle and scissors
Common Abbreviations
- Chain (ch)
- Slip Stitch (sl st)
- Single Crochet (sc)
- Half Double Crochet (hdc)
- Double Crochet (dc)
- Treble Crochet (trc)
- Decrease (dec)
- Increase (inc)
- Together (tog)
- Remaining (rem)
- Skip (sk)
- Beginning (beg)
- Back Loop Only (blo)
- Front Loop Only (flo)
- Front Post (fp)
- Back Post (bp)
- Loop (lp)
- Yarn Over (yo)
Starting at the neck edge, with #4 Aqua Yarn and size H hook ch 72. Being careful not to twist the ch, join to form a circle.
Rnd 1. Ch 1 and sc in each of the 72 sts around. Join to the 1st sc to the end. (72 sc made.)
Rnd 2. Ch 2 to begin each rnd. This does not count as a st. *Dc in each of the next 11 sts. In the next st make (dc, ch 2 and 6dc) rep from * around. End the round with a sl st to the beg dc. (78 dcs and 6 ch2 sps made.)
Rnd 3. Ch 2, dc in each of the next 12 sts. In the next ch2 sp made (dc, ch2 and dc.) [dc in each of the next 13 sts. In the next st make (dc, ch 2 and dc)] 5 times. End the round with, dc in the next st. Join with a sl st to the beg dc. (84 dc and 6 ch2 sps made.)
Rnd 4. Ch 2, dc in each of the next 13 sts. In the next ch2 sp made (dc, ch2 and dc.) [dc in each of the next 15 sts. In the next st make (dc, ch 2 and dc)] 5 times. End the round with, dc in each of the last 2 sts. Join with a sl st to the beg dc. (90 dc and 6 ch2 sps made.)
Rnd 5. Ch 2, dc in each of the next 14 sts. In the next ch2 sp made (dc, ch2 and dc.) [dc in each of the next 17 sts. In the next st make (dc, ch 2 and dc)] 5 times. End the round with, dc in each of the last 3 sts. Join with a sl st to the beg dc. (96 dc and 6 ch2 sps made.)
Rnd 6. Ch 2, dc in each of the next 15 sts. In the next ch2 sp made (dc, ch2 and dc.) [dc in each of the next 19 sts. In the next st make (dc, ch 2 and dc)] 5 times. End the round with, dc in each of the last 4 sts. Join with a sl st to the beg dc. (102 dc and 6 ch2 sps made.)
Rnd 7. Ch 2, dc in each of the next 16 sts. In the next ch2 sp made (dc, ch2 and dc.) [dc in each of the next 21 sts. In the next st make (dc, ch 2 and dc)] 5 times. End the round with, dc in each of the last 5 sts. Join with a sl st to the beg dc. (108 dc and 6 ch2 sps made.) End off and weave in the end.
Attach yarn In the ch2 sp as shown above.
Body of Bib
Row 1. Ch 2 and dc in the same sp (beg dc made.) * Sk 2 sts, in the next st make (dc, ch 2 and dc.) Rep from* 6 more times. In the ch2 sp make (dc, ch2 and dc.)
* Sk 2 sts, in the next st make (dc, ch 2 and dc.) Rep from* 6 more times. Dc in the next ch 2 sp. Ch 2 and trrn. (15 ch2 sp made.
Row 2. Dc in the beg dc. (Make 3 dc in the next ch 2 sp) 15 times. End the row with a dc in the last dc. Ch 2 and turn. (15-three dc cl made and beginning and ending dcs made.)
Row 3. Dc in beg dc. Sk 1 st, in the next st make (dc, ch 2 and dc.)
(Sk 2 dc and make dc, ch 2 and dc in the next st) 14 times. End the row with, sk 1 dc and dc in the last dc. Ch 2 and turn.
Row 4. Dc in the beg dc. (Make 3 dc in the next ch 2 sp) 15 times. End the row with a dc in the last dc. Ch 2 and turn. (15-three dc cl made and beginning and ending dcs made.)
Rows 5-13. Repeat rows 3 and 4 until the piece is 10 ½” long from the neckline or until the desired length, ending with row 3. (Note: This bib is shorter than usual because you do not want it bunching up on your lap as you are crocheting while using it.
Do not end off but turn to the raw edge side. Ch 1 and sc evenly across the side edges and top.
Stop when You get to the bottom and follow the instructions below.
End off Aqua and weave in the end.
Attach white as shown below with a ch 5. Sl st in the 3rd ch from the hook for a picot. Dc in the 1st dc. (In the next ch 2 sp make a dc, picot and dc) across.
Finish row with a picot and Then dc in the last st. End off and weave in the end.
Find the front center st on the wrong side of work and mark it. Attach white yarn in the st directly to the left. Row 1. Ch 1 and sc in each of the next 72 chs. Do not join. Ch 1 and turn.
Row 2. Turning Row – (Sc In flo of each of the next 9 sts. Make a sc inc in the flo of the next st) around. End with sc in the flo of each of the last 2 sts. Ch 6 and turn. (The beg ch 6 counts as the 1st dc and ch 3.)
Row 3. Sk the turning ch st and the next 2 sts, dc in the next st. (Ch 3, sk 2 sts and dc in the next st) across. Ch 3 and turn.
Rnd 4. Sk 1 ch and make 3 dc in the next ch. (In the next ch3 sp, sk 1 ch and make 3 dc in the next ch) across until the last ch 6 lp. In the ch 6 loop, sk 1 ch and make 3 dc in the next ch. Sk 1 ch and dc in the next ch. Ch 1 and turn.
Rnd 5. Sc in the 1st st. * Ch 3 an sk 1 st, sc in the next st) across. End with a sc in the last st. End off and weave in the end. Set the piece aside.
1. Measuring Tape Flower Holder
With Yellow #3 thread and size D hook, , ch 4, sl st into 1st st to form a ring, ch 2.
Rnd 1. Make 12 dc into the ring, sl st into the 1st dc to join (12 dc made.) End off Yellow and weave in the end. Join
white thread in the last st worked.
Rnd 2. * In the next st make a sc and a dc. Ch 2, in the next st make a dc and a sc. Rep from * 5 more times. Sll st into 1st sc to join. (36 sts made or 6 petals started.
Rnd 3. * Make 7 dc in the next ch 2 sp, sl st between next 2 sc. Rep from * 5 more times. (48 sts made.) End off and weave in the end for the 1st flower and set aside.
Rep steps 1 – 3 above for the flower front.
1. Mark the 4th middle st of one petal.
2. Sk 1 petal and mark the 4th st of the next petal.
3. Do this for both flowers.
4. Stack flowers on top of each other.
5. Match markers.
6. Remove marker 1 marker and join with the other marker.
7. Attach the white thread in the left marked st.
Ch 1 and sc through both thicknesses around until the next marker. Leave the top open. This is where you will insert your measuring Tape.
Remove the marker and continue to Continue to sc around, but only on the top portion. This will be the front.
2. Hook Holder
With Light Blue #3 hook and size D hook make a magic circle znd ch 1.
Rnd 1. Make 10 hdc in the ring. Join to the 1st hdc made with a sl st. (10 hdc made.)
Rnd 2 – Turning Rnd. Ch 2 and dc in the blo of each st around. Join to the top of the 1st dc with a sl st. (10 dc made.) Rnd 2. Ch 2 and dc in each st around. Join to the top of the beg dc with a sl st. (10 dc made.) Rnds 3- 15 . Rep rnd 2.
Rnd 16. Ch 1 and sc in each of the 20 sts around. Join to the 1st sc made with a sl st. End off and weave in the end. Set The piece aside.
3. Darning Needle Holder
With # 3 light green thread and size D hook, make and magic circle and ch 1.
Rnd 1. Make 6 sc in the ring. Do NOT join.
Rnd 2 – Turning Rnd. Sc in the blo of each of the 6 sc around. Do NOT join.
Rnds 3 – Desired length. Sc in each of the 6 sts around. (Note: After rnd 3 I like to glue a small round magnet to the bottom of the holder for extra security. This is optional. I also made my holder about 2 ½” long.) Once desired length is reached. Join and end off. Weave in the end and set aside.
4. Stitch Marker Holder
Rnd 1. With #3 Yellow thread and D hook, make 12 dc into the ring, sl st into the 1st dc to join (12 dc made.) End off Yellow and weave in the end. Join Light Blue thread in the last st worked.
Rnd 2. Ch 1, and sc in the 1 st. (Ch 6 and trc In the next st. Ch 6 and sc in the next st) 5 times. End with, ch 6 and trc In the next st. Ch 6 and sl st in the beg sc.
Rnd 3. (Make 6 sc over the next ch 6. Sc in the trc. Make 6 sc over the next ch 6) around. Join the 1st sc made with a sl st. End off and weave in the end. Set aside.
5. Cut thread Holder
With Purple #3 Thread and size D hook make a magic circle.
Row 1. Ch 1 and make 4 sc in the ring. Ch 1 and turn. Tighten the ring.
Row 2. Make 2 sc in each st across. Ch 1 and turn. (8 sc made.)
Row 3. (Sc in the 1st st, make 2 sc in the next st) across. (12 sc made.)
Row 4. (Sc in the next 2 sts, make 2 sc in the next st) across. (16 sc made.)
Row 5. (Sc in the next 3 sts, make 2 sc in the next st) across. (20 sc made.)
Row 6. (Sc in the next 4 sts, make 2 sc in the next st) across. (24 sc made.)
Row 7. (Sc in the next 5 sts, make 2 sc in the next st) across. (28 sc made.)
We will now turn rnd 7 into a round. Working across the top flat raw edge and make 14 evenly spaced sc across the top. Join to the 1st sc made on row 7. Mark your corners.
Begin Rounds
Rnd 1-Turning round. Ch 2 and dc in the blo of each st around. Removing and replacing markers as needed. Join to the top of the beg dc with a sl st. Join to the top of the 1st dc with a sl st. (42 dc made.)
Rnd 2. Ch 2, working through both loops from here on out, make a bpdc around the 1st marked st. Dc in each of the next sts until the next marked st. Make a bpdc around the next marked st. Dc in each remaining st. Join to the top of the beg dc with a sl st.
Rnd 3. Ch 2, make a bpdc around the 1st marked st. Dc in each of the next sts until the next marked st. Make a bpdc around the next marked st. Dc in each remaining st. Join to the top of the beg dc with a sl st.
Rnds 4 – 8. Rep rnd 3.
Rnd 9. This is optional, but I like to tie in a 1 ½” piece of elastic in the front to keep the threads in. Simply sc over it while stretching it. Do not stretch it in the back, but do sc over it to hide the ends.
Set the piece aside.
6. Scissor Holder
Heart – Make 2
With dark pink # 3 thread and size D hook, make a magic circle and ch 1.
Rnd 1. Make 6 sc in the ring.
Rnd 2. (Sc in the 1st st. Make 2 sc in the next st) 2 times. (8 sc made.)
Rnd 3. (Sc in each of the next 3 sts. Make 2 sc in the next st) 2 times. (10 sc made.)
Rnd 4. Sc in each of the 10 sts around.
Rnd 5. (Sc in each of the next 4 sts. Make 2 sc in the next st) 2 times. (12 sc made.)
Rnd 6. Sc in each of the next 6 sts. Make 2 sc in the next st. Sc in each of the next 5 sts. (13 sc made.)
Rnd 7. Sc in each of the next 3 sts. Make 2 sc in the next st. Sc in each of the next 9 sts. (14 sts made.) Rnd 8. Sc in each of the 14 sts around.
Rnd 9. Sc in each of the next 5 sts. Make 2 sc in the next st. Sc in each of the next 8 sts. (15 sts made.) Rnd 10. Sc in each of the 15 sts around.
Rnd 11. Sc in each of the next 2 sts. Make 2 sc in the next st. Sc in each of the next 12 sts. (16 sts made.) Rnd 12. Sc in each of the 16 sts around.
Rnd 13. Sc in each of the next 7 sts. Make 2 sc in the next st. Sc in each of the next 8 sts. (17 sts made.) Rnd 14. Sc in each of the 17 sts around.
Rnd 15. Sc in each of the next 5 sts. Make 2 sc in the next st. Sc in each of the next 11 sts. (18 sts made.) Rnd 16. Sc in each of the 18 sts around.
Rnd 17. Sc in each of the next 12 sts. Make 2 sc in the next st. Sc in each of the next 5 sts. (19 sts made.) Rnd 18. Sc in each of the next 5 sts. Make 2 sc in the next st. Sc in each of the next 13 sts. (20 sts made.) Rnd 19. (Sc in each of the next 4 sts. Make 2 sc in the next st) 4 times. (24 sts made.)
Rnd 20. Sc in each of the next 13 sts. Make 2 sc in the next st. Sc in each of the last 10 sts. (25 sts made.) Rnd 21. Sc in each of the 25 sts around.
Rnd 22. (Sc in each of the next 11 sts. Make 2 sc in the next st) twice. Sc in the last st. (27 sts made.)
Rnd 23. Sc in each of the 27 sts around.
Begin Shaping
Sl st into the next st. (Sk 2 sts and make 6 dc in the next st. Sk 2 sts and sl st in the next st) two times. Turn and sc in the 1st dc. (Make 2 sc in the next st. Sc in the next st) twice. Sl st in the next sc. Sl st in the next sl st and sl st in the next sc. (Sc in the next st and make 2 sc in the next st) twice. Sl st into the next st on the holder. End off and weave in the end.
Attach white #3 thread as shown below. Sc in each st until the middle sl sts.
Flower for Tie
Rnd 1. With #3 Multi-color thread and D hook, make 12 dc into the ring, sl st into the 1st dc to join (12 dc made.)
Rnd 2. Ch 1 and sc in the 1st st. Ch 3 and sk 1 st. (Sc in the next st. Ch 3 and sk 1 st) 5 times. End with a sl st in the beg ch3.
Rnd 3. (Sl st into the next ch3 sp and ch 2. Make 4 dc in the same sp. Ch 2 and sl st back into the same sp) rep around for 6 petals. End with a sl st in the 1st sl st made.
Sew a 1″ yellow button to the center of the flower and sew to the scissor holder.
Attach white thread to the center of the heart and make a ch about 6″ long. End off and knot the end. The string will be used like an old manilla envelope to keep the scissors in place.
7. Eyeglass Holder – Make 2
Row 1. With Dark Blue #3 thread and size D hook ch 5, in the 4th ch from the hook make a 2 dc cluster. Ch and make a 3 dc cl in the last ch. Ch 1 and turn counter clockwise.
Row 2. Sl st into the ch 2 sp. Ch 3 and and make a 2 dc cl in the sp. Ch 2 and make a 3 dc cl in the same sp. Turn Countrr clockwise.
Rep row 2 twice more. End off and weave in all ends. Set aside.
Small Pink Flowers
(Make as many as you want to decorate your work bib.
With Pink #3 thread and a size E hook make a magic circle.
Rnd 1. In the magic circle make * ch 2, 2 dc ch 2 and sl st) 1st petal made. Rep from * for 4 petals. Tighten ring. End off and weave in the end.
Pin and sew all organization items to the bib.
Hint: I like to put an ink pen into the tube devices to not sew through all thicknesses.
For eyeglass holders, only sew the ends.
For marker holders only sew around thd outer portion leaving the center bar open to hold markers.
Glue small pink flowers where desired or as shown on the cover.