Materials Needed
- One ball of #3 White Aunt Lydia’s cotton crochet thread
- One ball of #3 Black Aunt Lydia’s cotton crochet thread
- Size D crochet hook
- 6 3/16″ Black tuxedo buttons
- 1 yard black ½” satin ribbon
- Darning needle and scissors
- Measuring Tape
Hints: 1. This pattern calls for a color change every 2 rows. Instead of weaving in the ends, I like to crochet over them to keep the piece neat.
2. I like to mark both the beginning and ending sts as they are sometimes hard to see, especially when you are decreasing.
3. Measure your waist.
With Black and D hook ch 48.
Row 1. Sc in the 2nd ch from the hook and in each ch across. (47 sc made.)
Rows 2-5. Ch 1 and turn. Sc in each of the 47 sc across. Ch 1 aEnd off black and join white in the last st worked.
Row 6. With white ch 2 (does not count as a st, now and throughout.) Dc the 1st 2 sts tog. Dc in each st until the last 2 sts. Dc the last 2 sts tog. Ch 1 and turn. (45 dc made.)
Row 7. Sc the 1st 2 sts tog, dc in the next st. (Sc in the next st, dc in the next st) across until the last 2 sts. Sc the last 2 sts tog. (43 sts made.) End off White and join black in the last st worked.
Row 8. With black ch 2. Dc the 1st 2 sts tog. Dc in each st until the last 2 sts. Dc the last 2 sts tog. Ch 1 and turn. (41 dc made.)
Row 9. Sc the 1st 2 sts tog, dc in the next st. (Sc in the next st, dc in the next st) across until the last 2 sts. Sc the last 2 sts tog. (39 sts made.) End off Black and join white in the last st worked.
Row 10. With white ch 2. Dc the 1st 2 sts tog. Dc in each st until the last 2 sts. Dc the last 2 sts tog. Ch 1 and turn. (37 dc made.)
Row 11. Sc the 1st 2 sts tog, dc in the next st. (Sc in the next st, dc in the next st) across until the last 2 sts. Sc the last 2 sts tog. (35 sts made.) End off White and join black in the last st worked.
Row 12. With black ch 2. Dc the 1st 2 sts tog. Dc in each st until the last 2 sts. Dc the last 2 sts tog. Ch 1 and turn. (33 dc made.)
Row 13. Sc the 1st 2 sts tog, dc in the next st. (Sc in the next st, dc in the next st) across until the last 2 sts. Sc the last 2 sts tog. (31 sts made.) End off Black and join white in the last st worked.
Row 14. With white ch 2. Dc the 1st 2 sts tog. Dc in each st until the last 2 sts. Dc the last 2 sts tog. Ch 1 and turn. (29 dc made.)
Row 15. Sc the 1st 2 sts tog, dc in the next st. (Sc in the next st, dc in the next st) across until the last 2 sts. Sc the last 2 sts tog. (27 sts made.) End off White and join black in the last st worked.
The next rows will be worked evenly over the 27 sts.
Row 16. With black ch 2. Dc in each st across. Ch 1 and turn. (27 dc made.)
Row 17. Sc in the 1st st, dc in the next st. (Sc in the next st, dc in the next st) across. (27 sts made.) End off black and join white in the last st worked.
Row 18. With white ch 2. Dc in each st across. Ch 1 and turn. (27 dc made.)
Row 19. Sc in the 1st st, dc in the next st. (Sc in the next st, dc in the next st) across. (27 sts made.) End off white and join black in the last st worked.
Rep rows 16-19 until the piece is about 1″ less than half of your waist measurement ending with Row 19 (white Row.) Exam. If your waist is 24″, then half of 24 is 12. 12 -1 is 11″ or if your waist is 30″, so 30″÷2-1=14″.
Lacing Edge
Rows 1 – 2. With black, sc in each of the 27 sts across. Ch 1 and turn.
Begin lacing openings Row 3. Sc in each of the 1st 2 sts. (Ch 2, sk 2 sts and sc in the next st) across. End with a sc in the last st. Ch 1 and turn.
Row 4. Sc in each of the 1st 2 sts. (Make 2 sc in the next ch 2 sp. Sc in the next sc) across. End with sc in the last st.
Finishing: Turn to work across the unfinished side. Sc evenly across the top. End off and weave in the end. Attach black thread to the other side and sc evenly across.
Row 1. Sc in the 2nd ch from the hook and in each ch across. (47 sc made.) Ch 1 and turn.
Row 2. Sc in each of the 47 sc across.
Row 3. Ch 1 and turn. Sc in each of the 1st 2 sts. (Ch 3 and sk 3 sts. Sc in each
of the next 5 sts) across, ending with sc in each of the last 2 sts. (6 buttonholes made.)
Row 4. Ch 1 and turn. Sc in each of the 1st 2 sts. (Make 3 sc in the next ch3 loop. Sc in each of the next 5 sts) across ending with sc in each of the last 2 sts.!(47 sc made.) Ch 1 and turn.
Row 5. Sc in each of the 47 sts across.
End off black and join white in the last st worked.
Repeat the instructions above beginning with Row 6.
Attach black thread in the right top edge. Ch 3 and make a dc in the same st. Ch 3 and (make 2 dc in the next st. Ch 3) across.
At the opposite end, end off and weave in the end. Repeat on both sides of both pieces.
Sew 6 tuxedo buttons opposite the buttholes and button.
Lace up back with the ½” ribbon. Trim and knot the ends.